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Pied piper technique for pheromones Many farmers end up with more pest damage when they use pheromones, find out why?

      Pied piper technique for pheromones

        Many farmers use pheromones against many pests Pheromones which the farmers use are chemicals that attract others of the same species. Some of them attract males only, a few others only females, and yet others, both sexes.

The common ones are




Type of pheromone


Stem borers, Army worms

Monitoring, Mass trapping


Stem borers



Bollworms, boll weevils


Vegetables, fruits and many others

Cutworms, leaf miners, fruit borers

Monitoring, mass trapping

Coconut,oil pam, date palm

Palm weevils

Attracting males and females


         These are synthetic duplicates of the chemicals used by the pests for their own purpose.. They work well in attracting the insects of the same species. So, the best way is to use them to know how many are there in your field (monitoring) or to attract (mass trapping) and kill. Either way, you don’t want to attract them from far and wide, and see them damage your crop. Remember, they don’t follow man made boundaries. So, they come from all around.
        The best way for you to save your crop is not to put them in the centre of your crop, but away from it. This way, you attract them, away from your crop. You can put your rice pheromone in coconut or fruit orchard and vice versa. If the attracted insects do not really fall in the trap, they will still  be killed by birds, or other predators. So, here what you do is the PIED PIPER TACTIC. Not the way many farmers do by putting them in the centre of the crop and doing more damage than good.

What are food lures then, and where to keep them?

These are typically short range attractants, coming under kairomones. They don’t attract from far and wide. So you can put them just outside your crop, to push your crop pest to the outside. Tulsi (Indian basel) trap for mango or banana trap for cucurbits are such traps.



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